Have you heard from Potter? Oh I do wish he'd see the possibilities in the book! Let me know when you hear.
A nice girlie by the name of Beamer (I believe) wrote me about your giving her a copy of Easter and the Sioux prayer. She expressed the wish that I come back soon (All of us wish it, she said) "All" is a lot of folks, but the girl was in the Oral Interpretation class, and maybe most of the class is what the girl meant.
I think and think of you two, and you are dear.
Arrangements are being made now (legal) for the gift of my library and papers to the University "The Neihardt Memorial Library" to be made a nucleus for a growing Western Americana collection
I finally finished the new preface for the new edition of Black Elk Speaks. I had to drive myself. I do feel nearer the Other World than to this one very often. I'm happy in my classes and the students are dear.
How are you? Any snow yet? Good Indian summer here, except that we had a puff
of cold air in the north yesterday, but it's already warmer.
John N.