Dear Edna:

I was very glad to receive your letter, and I should have written to you several weeks ago. My silence did not mean that I had not thought of you. I often think of you, but I am a poor correspondent. You are a good and gallant spirit, and I am proud to have you as a friend.

I'm about to make a trip to N. Y. City. Will talk to the Society of Westerners there on Oct. 12th. Then I'll spend two days at the U. N. Thereafter I'll go to Cornell University at Ithaca, N. Y. for a lecture and several meetings with classes.

I'll find you a copy of The River and I. There is only one copy in my library, but I'll find another.

My classes are a source of joy. My Epic America class is very large, as usual. We had to stop registration for lack of room! My other class is The Writing of Poetry, a creative writing course. Students are so dear. Surely this is a fine generation.

Tell Hugh I often think of him and tell John the same. They may be sure that my heart is warm towards them, and I wish I lived near so that I could drop in for a talk occasionally. Do forgive me for not writing sooner.

With affectionate good wishes for you & yours,

John Neihardt
John Neihardt Route 7 Columbia, Mo.
===== Air Mail
COLUMBIA, MO. OCT 8 230PM 1960



Mrs. Edna Skillings, K P Apartments Apt. #4 Albany, Oregon