Dear Lucile:

It's been such a long, long time since your fine letter of the 5th on my birthday. I hope everything is quite all right, and that you are not sick. The beginning of the new quarter must, of course, be a busy time. On Tuesday this week I gave my last Cycle reading to my Epic America class — a 2 hr. period. At the end, when I said goodbye, they all started cheering at once, and kept it up until I stopped them! Wasn't that dear of them? For the coming semester, which begins a week from today, there are 142 pre-registrations! Next Tuesday & Wednesday the regular registration is held. There should be a good many more students registered. We have to find an auditorium. It will be either Waters Hall or T-1. I'll look these over today and decide which seems better. I had Waters several years ago.


I can't tell you how important your work is to me and how grateful I am that you are in the world. Writing letters is not a satisfactory business. I need to talk to you, especially in this "the year of the Biography". It will be a fine piece of work, dear Lady!

A former pupil of mine, now at Columbia getting a Master's degree, writes me that he has become greatly interested in my work since going to Columbia. He thinks he wants to write about it!! Thought of doing a Master's thesis on it, but decided there was too much research required. He is just one of those, Lucile, who flirt with the idea and never do anything (for obvious reasons!) I do not cease to wonder at the scope of your research and your understanding.

I'd like to look at you and say hello.

Here's affection for you, Bower, Stewart — and pettings for our little friend, Perky.

Did I ever tell you about Bronson Howard?
COLUMBIA, MISSOURI Neihardt 209 Jesse
COLUMBIA, MO. JAN 26 1-PM 1961


Dr. Lucile Aly, 1138 22nd Ave., East, Eugene, Oregon.