M. May 11, 1:30pm 1961
Dear Lucile:

It has been a long while, but one of these days I'll hear from you. I only hope you are both well and busy. I've thought often how good it was of you to make the trip for the dinner, and how fine your contribution was. I still maintain you were very good to look at as well as hear!

I see the end of the semester. Final test on May 25th, then the extra 2-hr session on May 31st. I must visit Stanley Smith at Wauneta and I'm trying to find a good way to get there. By the way, I've read your speech in the Breeze, and it's excellent. When I've been dead awhile and my genuine spiritual pattern can be seen, there will be truth to be felt in what you so generously say. But my heart aches just the same. I wish it wouldn't.


Will you be able, without too much trouble, to have that chapter copied by some poor but honest girl typist? I think the Nebraska University Press should have the complete account. I've seen the proof of the new Introduction to Black Elk Speaks. Also, I've just about agreed with Macmillans on a deal for a new edition of the Cycle. I know that sooner or later either Missouri or Nebraska will issue my Collected Poems (complete); but in the meanwhile I must have books for my Epic America class next year. (I was reappointed with a nice raise in salary!) I'm quite worried about my eyes for next year, but I think I can make it through (with a magnifying glass, if not otherwise).

Do you still want me to come out this summer? If so, when?

Don't forget the Pattern and your most important place in it.


John Neihardt Route 7 Columbia, Mo.
Dr. Lucile Aly, 1138 22nd Ave., East, Eugene, Oregon.