Please don't make anything of my failure to write sooner. It means only that its increasingly difficult to write letters Your friendship is one of the most precious of my possessions. I think of you and feel a bit safer in the world.
I'm hoping I'll get to see you when you visit your brother. We'll want you out here for a visit. I must start west abou about June 22. First I'll meet an old student of mine at St Joe for a trip
to my Grandfather's old homestead where I lived in his sod house 75 years ago. I want to sleep on the mound, which is all that is left of the house, and maybe have dreams of the old days! That's where I saw the prairie fire in The Song of Three Friends.
Then we'll drive on to western Nebraska for a brief visit after which I'll take the train for Portland, Ore. and Eugene, Oregon. Mrs. Aly & I will work on the biography for a month.
The library dinner (given for me) was a big success. Very large turnout with much of the brass! Reception at the President's house too.
Macmillans will bring out a new printing of the Cycle in time for the fall semester. Also, the University of Nebraska Press is now bringing out the new edition of Black Elk Speaks. I did
a new preface for the book.
Have you been sending your MS around? That's a good book, but believe me, it's naive to suppose that merit is enough in this day of cynical competition. As a matter of sad fact, a certain kind of real merit can be very much against a book. I know you know this. Nevertheless, good books do break through somehow now and then. And that's why we hope continue to hope.
Affection for you and Nita. You are dear!
John N.