Dear Slade:

We must have been thinking of each other at the same time. Our letters crossed. I was very glad to hear from you, for it seemed suddenly that I had not written you for a long while.

I've just received a telegram announcing that the Nebraska Legislature has today voted unanimously to place a bronze bust of me permanently in the Hall of Fame located in the State Capitol Building in Lincoln! This is a sort of triumph, as the Bill establishing the Hall of Fame, stipulates that no living person shall be elected.

There was a state-wide agreement that exception should be made in my case! Up to date, it seems that the late Senator George W. Norris W. Norris is the only other to be so honored. (I'll bet Buffalo Bill will, sooner or later, be honored; He should be.)

It's going to be bully to see you

Affectionate thoughts for you and Nita. (I wish I could run in on you for an hour or so, in the evening now & then!)

John N.