I really didn't mean it at all! Even though you write me as often as once every six or eight months I'll try to find the time and the patience to read your lovely letters. Your last one came rather soon; but actually, I was almost glad to receive it. Your letters always bring to mind the lovely biscuits you make. (!!!)
So that's settled.
Here's news!
The bronze bust arrived, and it is absolutely perfect! The finish is just right. Every little, tiny detail is reproduced perfectly. Nothing is lost.
Just think how our Mona would feel
if she could see this perfect bronze ! cast!! She used to say that sometime, perhaps, the bust would be put into bronze. Too bad she didn't see it; but maybe she does know somehow.
At the same time the Nebraska copy in bronze arrived in Wauneta, Neb. Old Stanley called me by 'phone this morning. He's very happy, bless his heart! He wanted to tell me of arrangements being made for the unveiling program in the Senate chamber —
It will be a dignified affair, I'm sure. The Sec. of the Hist. Society urges that I talk about the Cycle and read. This seems all right. (He says reading especially.)
And how they do want Dr. Lucile Aly on the program!! I know why; but I also know the difficulty.
I talked on "Indian Mysticism" (their title) a week ago in the big ballroom of the Student Union. The place was full (almost) at 4 p. m. It was another one of those things; the same mood
developed powerfully (Then, also, I talked at a sorority dinner day before yesterday, and the sweet young women nearly ate this poor old mad. man! There's something very beautiful in the spirit that is generated by a large group of fine young women who are united by a common experience, as happened that evening.
I wish I knew more about what what happens when I get going and for forget myself. It's really something, and I love it.
I'm so glad that Bower and Stewart and sweet little Perky and you really like me; because you
You ask about students coming out to the farm; Sunday I'll have the University Y. M. C. A. boys. They all want to come, but we've decided 25 is are all we can handle at once. They said, " We can sit on the floor or stand up". Someone — or sometwoorthree — comes (or comes) every weekend. A week ago three came at 330 3:30 and left at 10!! I've been having Ted Weatherly in here too.
It must be fun prospecting in those dusty
Here is an important suggestion: You must see the second (or third?) issue of Poetry: A Magazine of Verse. It is the number that introduces Ezra Pound's incredibly important nonsense. That's what started me, & you need to see it!
Sunday afternoon 26 men & women came out & jammed the place. It was bully. There were 6 nationalities present & we had a lovely time. Then at 8 p. m. I did a stunt for the Christian Church; same responses both times.