I'm wondering how to plan. First, I'm wondering if my proposed visit would in any way interfere with family matters there.
And, if the way is clear for a visit, when do you plan to make the Texas trip?
You know my feeling towards you all in that House of Happiness, and I know yours towards me. And There would be no difficulty in understanding each other.
Isn't it bully that old Stanley has received the Ak-Sar-Ben reward for public service!!
John N.
If you had as much fun at Red Cloud as we did, your trip to Nebraska was well worth it to you. As usual, you outdid yourself, both at the dedication and the banquet. Of course the sellout of all of your books during the day is ample testimony to that fact.
Am enclosing a couple of clippings about an award The Breeze won for our part in the Nebraska bust, and what we are doing with the award money. I am having BLACK ELK put into a hard cover for the shelf. I hope you approve. We will use as much of the money as necessary for the shelf and the balance will be spent for a playground equipment fund in Wauneta park. At first I thought about $100 for the shelf, but it has already gone over that. The majority has been ordered and I will make a trip to Denver soon to pick them up. Each book will carry a plate with your picture and words telling how the book (and collection) came to be in the school library. This shelf should make an excellent nucleus for an expanded Americana collection in the years ahead. I am being careful to avoid duplication of field where I can, knowing that some areas need more than one volumn , but I think this is the best way. If a youngster gets interested and wants to read more, then the school can get what is needed or apply to the state library. Anyway, this will be a good start. There is nothing at all in the library in this field, so I feel this to be a definite contribution.
I hope we can get together this summer. Let me know what your plans are as soon as they are firm, and I will see what I can do vacation-wise, like last year. I have a "wild"idea that I think you would like. I could meet you somewhere, return for Wauneta for a day or two and then you and I would l make a slow and liesurely
trip along the Platte River, starting from Ash Hollow and trail on down to Old Fort Bridger in Wyoming. We wouldn't have to rush in any way. If all we make is 100 miles a day that would be OK. Plenty of time to see everything: Chimney Rock, Courthouse Rock, Scottsbluff, the Sweetwater and the Popo Agie, Independence Rock, trail across South Pass, down the Sandys to the Green and on to Bridger. If we want more, then we take more. After that we could drive someplace, put you on a plane or train for Oregon.
Now, tell me what you think of that?
It was good seeing youat Red Cloud. And I hope it isn't too long before we see each other again. Remember to advise of your plans and dates etc.