Dear Lucile:

There was an unfortunate scholastic (1) error in my recent letter. The footnote concerning inst. should have read this: (*) inst. An abbreviation signifying you mix it with water and drink it.

I regret that the error occurred, and I trust it has caused no serious inconvenience.

Sometime back in our discussion of the term "appendix," there seemed

(1) A hard word. See if Webster knows anything about it — Author.
to be some confusion as to the difference between physical and psychical concepts. I fear I did not make the matter clear at the time.. It can be stated very simply, thus:
Physical is what you have and you can see it. Psychical is what you have but you can't see it.

I hope everything is now clear; and if, at any time, there is something you cannot understand, feel perfectly free to ask me.

I was greatly encouraged by my success in the field of Windsorian scholarship, and as a result I have taken up the study of Liz Taylor. (You may have seen the revealing article in Life sometime ago) As I proceed with my study , I find my subject more and more so, and I am rapidly becoming a confirmed l Lizard.

Enough of serious matters. Let us consider the summer program.

It occurs to me that Bower hasn't invited me yet, has he?

It seems now that my director, Mr. Hutchins and I will drive to Lincoln on July 9th. There we we will arrange with the Hist. Society for pictures to be used as "visuals" in my show next fall. From there, about the 12th, I'll join Stanley for the Oregon Trail expedition, which will last a full week. Then, if I am completely invitated (2), I can catch a train in Wyoming (say at Green River) for Portland.

I'll soon have some good news about Alice & the horses, I think.

Old Stanley is boiling over with enthusiasm over our Oregon Trail adventure.

Love to you and all yours

John N.
(2) The spelling may be erroneous — Author
see over for more litrachoor.
John Neihardt Route 7 Columbia, Mo.
COLUMBIA, MO. JUN 25 230PM 1962
______ Air



Dr. Lucile Aly 1138 22nd Ave., East Box 215 Eugene, KEMAH Oregon TEXAS
Stanley will take a series of pictures for you. — Same Author