Dear Slade:

It's Spring again after some bad backsets! I'm sure your country is beginning to be beautiful. I think of you very often, and I wish I were nearer to you — near enough to run in and say hello anytime. Things are going on very much as usual here . I'm appointed for another year — my 15th here. There's a brand-new plan for next year. I'm to have two sections in Epic America", and, of course I'll teach both. Thus I can have more students with smaller classes. (I've had 200 this past year. Should have 300 with the new plan).

A 17-page abridgement of Poetic Values has come out in an annual published at Pondicherry, India. There was quite an article about me in the Calcutta News recently.

May 26th there will be a banquet of the Willa Cather Memorial Assn. at Red Cloud, Nebraska. I'm to do the principal stunt. There will be 100 picked guests.

One of these times I'll probably be going going to New York City, and if I do, I'm going to have a fresh look at you and Nita.

You are a very dear friend, Slade!

Affection for both of you —

John N.