Columbia, Mo.
Aug. 12, 62
I've just received your second letter from Panama, when I was about to reply to your first one. Bully! You must be having a most interesting time! I'm glad for the knowledge that I may see you here in October, but surely that would be a fine place to live out the winter months! Or do you really like the snow & cold? When I'm already in the winter, I like it; but theoretically I'd like to escape it.
It's so dear of you, Slade, to write me when you
must have so much to occupy your your mind. And Nina, bless her! I'm sure she is enjoying the new experience. What birds there must be to watch!!
Stanley Smith and I "did" the Oregon Trail rather meticulously from Ash Hollow in Nebraska to South Pass in Wyoming. We played around South Pass "City" for awhile. It's a ghost town — used to have 4000 inhabitants in the days of the gold rush. A Mr. and Mrs. Goldring lived there in its palmy days. They were children then. Several years
ago they came back and bought the whole town (surface rights, of course)! and They run a little boarding house, a bar, and a little store. Some tourists drift in during the summer — not that they know anything of the history of the place, mostly; but just to be doing something a bit different. While we were there it frosted hard! (July 15).
After South Pass, Stanley took me to Rock Springs and I took the train there
for Portland, Oregon, & Eugene. Lucile Aly,& her son, and I "did" the whole Oregon Co coast and on down into California. Saw much of Jed's trail, & had a lovely time in the redwoods of Rogue River I had to hurry back to work with my director TV director.
Well, you are dear to me — both of you, bless you!
John N.