Dear Lucile:

Just a note — not a lovely letter at all!

A Mr. Gilbert Knipmeyer of Jeff City, who is State Archivist and a friend of mine, will call on you soon, if he has not already done so. He visited me here before he started on a long vacation drive to Wauneta, then on up the Oregon Trail to South Pass City, where he gave my greetings to my new friends, the Woodrings — and then on to Vancouver. He is a good man — a graduate of Stanford and Johns Hopkins, and an the authority on the Civil War in Missouri

Otherwise, I have nothing to say to you, because, as usual, I don't like you at all, so I do, don't I?

That was a lovely letter of yours, and after much self-goading I finally induced myself to read it! Listen, dear Lady! When you consider the Sinclair letters — or rather before you do — please look up my extended definition of Socialism written to you perhaps three years ago. At the time, you and Bower were most favorably impressed, and you quoted Bower as saying it was the best definition (or description maybe) of Socialism he had seen. (Or words to that effect) Please do give close attention to that definition I wrote you. It will make a great difference.

Yes, I knew Richard Burton well when I was on the Minneapolis Journal. He was a much-loved Univ professor at Minnesota University, and a fair poet. He was regarded as a good critic too.

This is no lovely letter, but I do love you as always.

John N.