Dear Lucile:

I've been waiting for your next before telling you about the Historical Society dinner at Lincoln; but I don't want to let the news grow too stale, so I'm writing now.

The affair was a big Wow! People came from every corner of the state — because I was announced, I'm told. The ball-room of the Cornhusker Hotel was jammed with tables & people, and there was an electric feel in the place. My party arrived a bit late, and when we entered there was a "standing ovation" and how they did welcome the Little Buffalo! Loud and long!! The introduction was given by Mr. Latenser, a distinguished architect of Omaha, who knew me in the great, hopeful days when Vinsonhaler was living and still by my dear friend. It was a fine, well-wrought speech, giving the history of my life rapidly, and ending somewhat thus. (The way he said it & how he introduced it was really clever. I miss something here.) He said: "In 1492 Columbus discovered America, in 1881, John Neihardt was born. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you John Neihardt" (Words to that effect, but really effective as given).

I spoke about Black Elk for 1 hr. 15 mins — off the cuff — no notes. It went smoothly — flowed, and in spots could not fail to be beautiful. When I ceased, there was another rising ovation and a clamor that lasted until I stopped it. Afterwards, people crowded around for a half hour or more. It was a joy. Mrs. Winkleman said she would write you and send a program (with the bronze bust on it.)

Well, I miss your letters! It seems long since you wrote, altho' it is hardly 3 weeks.

I talked with Nicoll of the Nebraska University Press — the top man. He is very eager to bring out the Cycle in paper, and will begin as soon as I have made my peace with Macmillans. He wants to publish a volume of Lyrics and Dramas, also, but thinks they should appear after the Cycle, I strongly disagree, and so do others in Lincoln with whom I talked. I wish you could talk to him — or maybe write.

Now listen!

Nicoll said, with special emphasis, "I want to ask a special favor of you. Please intercede with Dr. Lucile Aly in the matter of the biography. We want to publish that book!" So I'm interceding, you see!

I think if they [knew?] enough, they'd plan to bring out most of my out-of-print work in a series. They should, and it would sell. If you write Nicoll, you might want to make the suggestion.

I think the Cycle should be published in two volumes. The first would be called A Cycle

Knipmeyer, who called on you, heard me at Stanford in 19[?]
of the West - The Ashley-Henry Men" (containing the Friends, Glass, and Jed) The second volume would be " A Cycle of the West — The Twilight of the Sioux". This should be advantageous from the viewpoint of sales.

I think they migh ​ deserve your book if they decide to issue my out-of-print books in series reasonably soon. This could be a lever!!

Lucile, is anything wrong between us? I know nothing, but sometimes I feel vaguely troubled. This is a great thing you and I are doing together, and its too fine and meaningful to fail. It will not, will it? There's no change here, I can assure you. You know you are dear to me.

The TV program is thriving. Students burble about it.

The same old love


Hurrah for the Minneapolis Journal microfilms!!!

P. S.

Val Petersen, former Governor of Nebraska, and Ambassador to Denmark under the Eisenhower administration, was speaker of the Luncheon of the Hist Society. (I was speaker at the dinner in the evening). He is an alumnus of Wayne State (my old school). At the beginning of his speech he spoke at some length of me; told how he had studied my work as a young man, and how he and his wife read my stuff aloud for years. Then he said: "It is an honor to be on the same platform with him." He is very popular in Nebraska.

Did you have a good talk with Knipmeyer? He is State Archivist, and he knows more than anybody else about the Civil War in Missouri. He is a graduate of Stanford and Johns Hopkins. He told me he heard me lecture at Stanford when David Starr Jordan introduced me!! That was 1918, wasn't it? He said too, that he was greatly impressed. I should have told you, so that you could get his impressions. Tell me about him

John Neihardt Route 7 Columbia, Mo.
[C?]OLUM[BI?]A, MO. OCT 6 1-PM [1?]962
____ Air


_____ over
Dr. Lucile Aly, 1138 22nd Ave., East, Eugene, Oregon.
Mr. Nicoll is Bruce H. Nicoll, The Uni. of Neb. Press, Lincoln