Dear Sterling:—

You son of a gun! And you didn't stop off! Don't make that mistake when you come back!

Anyway, Old Man, I hope to God you make $10,000. But it's a pity you have to be disturbed. You ought to be going about your divine business without worry.

It's no surprise to me that Macmillans would publish "Lilith"; but I can understand your determination to stay with Robertson. One must be loyal to one's friends, and perhaps, on the whole, it's just as well that you should have all your work together. Macmillans & Louis Ledoux are trying to get me some dates in New York so that I can go there in November when I go to Omaha, Washington University and the U. of Kentucky. Will you probably be in N. Y. in November? Fine to meet there!

Be good to George Sterling if you care for me; and good luck!
