You are know the thesis I worked out in various ways;, illustrating it by reviews of many books in many fields of thought. The argument was set forth in "The Cultural Mood" of the Moment" as given for commencement at the West Virginia Institute of Technology, when I was with the Indian Bureau. I've felt moved to tell you that I still regard that thesis and my supporting argument as true and
very important. More and more I have noted how it applies to the dominant tendencies of our day in all fields - the anarchic spirit in general. I want to emphasize my present belief in that thesis. It certainly holds holds up - and explains so much, altho' a generation has passed since I elaborated it. No one else has seen it even now; or, at least least, no one has presented it.
I wanted this in a note by itsef itself, and not mixed up with a letter. (I don't like you at all, and I'm so sorry I'm coming to see you!!!)
John N.
220 A&S