The star man came to interview me, and I told him he should try for an interview with you when you pass through K C in August.
Aly Collection 195-2
Dear Lucile:

It was good to hear you and Bower and Barbara on the 'phone, and I was very glad for your good letter. It strikes me that you may be confused by the differing reports on my tumble, and my voice on the phone must have seemed rather robust! But my voice wasn't hit, and it would be the last thing to go anyway. The simple fact is that I was thrown through a closed car door onto the concrete pavement and should have been killed. As it is, I'll live down these bruises this summer & be all right, I'm sure; but I'm not entirely out of the woods quite yet.

Queer about my life-long notion about age 83, isn't it?!! Almost came true!!

I am now able to lie down and sleep, dress myself, & put on my shoes. So I'm not complaining.

Did I tell you about the reading of lyrics for the

Alumni Congress in Lincoln on June 6th? The Chancellor of the University (Hardin) was to follow me with a speech; but he arose & said, "I have a speech here, but I'm going to take it home with me. Anything would be an anti-climax after that!" So it was quite a wow. (And Hardin is quite a man!!)

I'm so eager to read your Focus article, which I guess, should appear in August. Focus seems to have won a lot of respect already. It's the magazine I wanted to found in 1926 and I had a lot of distinguished contributors lined up. It was too soon to begin, evidently. I do hope Focus makes good, & you will help it on its way.

My experience at the hospital was something to remember, A sweet, uplifting spirit filled the place & they all knew it as I did. It was something beautiful.

Love -

I'm eager to hear you read from the Biography. That book will sell far more than any of mine ever did - even the Wars and Glass.
____ Air Mail
COLUMBIA, MO. JUL 16 2-PM 1963


Dr. Lucile Aly, 1138 22nd Ave., East, Eugene, Oregon.