I've been thinking of you more than usual — fondly as always, but a bit sadly as though you were very far away and hard to reach. I know this isn't true — that you are really near.
Alice and I have been reading your beautiful article about my moons again!! It's beautifully done and the approach to my work is most effective. We have agreed that an article on vignette passages (like the moon ones) in general could be very revealing. Alice has been saying, "It's really lovely, isn't it?"
Alice is all moved back to Skyrim now.
How are you and Nita spending the summer? I haven't done anything much. My eyes are not very good, and the "traumatic pleurisy" shortens my breath a bit. Still, I"m all right. We've seen two horse shows, and will see another tomorrow. Our horses win ribbons!
I've wanted to go to Oregon; but have decided it's better not to go this time.
John N