It was good to hear from you and to feel something of your affection again. Things go well here. My classes evidently respond with some enthusiasm, and inquiries are made as to whether I'll be giving the live program — The Mountain Men — next semester. The answer is: I will. I was troubled about my vision, but I've found a new illuminated reading glass that makes reading as easy as it used to be. I'm so glad. I'm doing over 15 minutes of my talk (TV) on the Custer battlefield. The field was not clear, and we are now making it in relief. This will add greatly to the interest because the strategy and tactics will be much, much clearer.
Did I tell you that a new Hugh Glass monument was placed near the Forks this last summer by the State Hist. Society and the Government? It's 3/4 of a mile south of our original monument.and It gives credit to me and The Song of Hugh Glass. Says I "immortalized" old Hugh!! A movement is on to restore the bronze plate on the original monument.
Important folks from the Governor down are in favor of the Laureate Tour for next year — probably the fall.
Add the new Glass monument to our list of memorials! (There are eleven, I believe)
Stanley Smith wrote recently "I hope the December date (for your biography) still holds. That book is sorely needed".
I wish you were planning a simpler book. It is not critical analysis, but sympathetic presentation that is needed.
What you say you have noted about the new critics and my antedating them in theory could well be so. And what you say about my attitude towards tragedy as compared with that of certain modern fiction writers is very interesting and, I believe, significant. These matters, and others that have have developed as you went along, properly belong to a book to that might well appear, say, ten years hence. At this strategic moment the Scheme needs the Story of my life and a clear, sympathetic offering of the values in what I've done. Such a book would go now — how it
would go, as
compared with my own books! The glaring fact is that you don't need more research. You need simplification of purpose and a direct drive towards the clearly seen end of a simple plan. This was your intention some two, three, four years ago. You did say
"this is the first book; there will be another" — or words to that effect.
I am deeply sorry that you have not, and do not have, the needed time for the the job.
— John N.
219 A & S