Dear Lucile:

I've been thinking a correction in my latest letter to you. Where I said ten years, read "several years". Ten is too many certainly. Three or four would be nearer, probably.

I'm sending you a collection of stuff on Dana, Bancroft, and the monuments on the Grand River. Please make any notes you think you'll need and return the stuff in the enclosed envelope I'm eager to have such stuff, clippings, letters etc., in the collection here before I go on.

Things seem to be "jelling". I receive more letters now than ever before, and they are widely scattered over the country. Then these various memorials seem to indicate something. By the way, add the government highway marker on Grand River to your list. It gives me credit for

"immortalizing" Hugh!

Oh, hurrah! I've just received a bulky letter from Bower — bless him! My friends, Dr. and Mrs. Slade Kendrick, called on him, and they had a happy visit, it seems. I was so glad for the letter.

It will be bully when your book is ready, and I hope you you can hold it down for a first edition — I mean in scope. The book is in demand.

Plans are developing for the Tour. Stanley is selling his paper, and he wants to manage the tour & haul me around. Great Idea!

You are a dear Lady, and this old man doesn't like you at all, does he?!?!

An affectionate hello to Stewart, and pettings for Jingle. (You should know our "Zhako"!)


South Dakota Uni wants me back to do a lot of recording for them. I did a good deal a year ago, you remember.

Neihardt Route 7 Columbia, Mo.
COLU[MBI?]A, MO. DEC 8 -PM 1964


Dr. Lucile Aly, 1138 22nd Ave., East, Eugene, Oregon.