Dear Lucile:

You will be setting out for Hawaii soon, and I'm wondering how long you will be gone. Also I am wondering if you have the Lyrics portion of the Biography in such shape that it might be used in connection with the publication of the Lyrics volume in the Fall. I am now writing the brief introduction to the volume. When it is received in Lincoln, so Nicoll assures me, the volume will go to press.

It's a pity we aren't ready with the biography — not a long, exhaustive, critical work, but a readable shorter version. The strategic moment is next Fall. — the publication of the Lyrics and Dramas and the Laureate Tour.

Are you not teaching this year? Has Bower a year's leave of absence?

I wish you were going to attend the Bancroft dinner. It's going to be quite an affair.

I have 300 students — 180 in Mountain Men and 120 in The Twilight of the Sioux.

With the old affection

John N
____ Air


Dr. Lucile Aly, 1138 22nd Ave., East, Eugene, Oregon.
Neihardt Route 7 Columbia, Mo.