Aly Collection 223-2
Dear Lucile:

I know you are especially busy at this time of year, but you could find time to drop me a postcard indicating that you are alive and still my friend, as I am still yours. I'm really worried.

I know you don't have time enough to devote to the biography, and I can understand why you have not sent MS for me to read. The MS

is of secondary importance to me.

My Epic America classes are the largest ever. We have, in both courses, 263 students, and one course was closed during pre-registration. Yesterday in the "live" course we had expected about 80 and 138 crowded into the room, standing in the rear and in the aisle. We took over the auditorium. There will be more next week, we have reason to think.

With the old affection to each of you there, and especially to you —

My TV programs have been shown in New Brunswick recently!
Neihardt Route 7 Columbia, Mo.
COLUMBIA, MO. FEB 3 [?]PM 1965
_____ AirMail


Dr. Lucile Aly, 1138 22nd Ave., East, Eugene, Oregon.