I am delighted with your articles on my Cycle! It is a very effective way of presenting the work — far better than mere comment however enthusiastic. You could go on to other and yet other articles too. Many, many thanks, my dear friend!
I'm really interested in your trip around the Mediterranean! It must have been thrilling, and I wish I could have been with you to talk over the long, long past!
I've just returned from the highway marker dedication at Bancroft. It was a super-wow! The state officials who were there said we had the largest crowd ever assembled for
a highway dedication in in Nebraska! The highwa highway was blocked for nearly 1/4 of a mile!
After the doings on the highway (I spoke from a truck) the crowd went to the city park & and we had a big get-together!
I was amazed at the progress made on the study restoration project and the Prayer Garden. Beautiful!!
This is done in a hurry. I'm just back — and a bit tired. Hilda, Alice
and the girls went along. We drove in tw two cars.
John N.