Dear Lucile:

Here is the MS on Branson and the Indian Wars, together with corrections and suggestions. Please read my notes with the MS.. They are of a minor nature and relatively few — but important. Please

This is mighty fine work, Lucile, and it made me happy.

I'm wondering just how the matter stands now. How much of the biography is is left to do? Have you done The Divine Enchantment? And did you correct the MS you gave me about two years ago? There was some excellent work in that installment too, but the corrections were very much needed, being mostly concerned with facts.

I've just heard that Mildred Bennett has had a nervous breakdown! It seems to be quite serious. This is such a pity, and it saddens me, deeply. I do hope to hear something encouraging from her husbad ​.

Wayne State College wants me to give a course there next summer. I'd love to go. It would round out a good story. Seventy (70) years ago I left that school! It does not seem possible that I'm actually going to give a course there after so many, many years. Such a thing can't happen very often.

O how I wish your book could be ready for Nebraska's Centennial year! If it's all anything like as good as what I've seen, it will be a whale!

Yesterday I twisted my ankle badly, and I'm hobbling with a cane today.

I feel that the Wars and the Messiah together as one work entitled The Twilight of the Sioux would certainly be my "masterpiece". I know why you feel as you do about the Wars, and I hope you can still see the other Songs with their own values. (Of course you can and will!)

Affectionately always —

— John N.

Just heard that Black Elk Speaks is appearing in Italian translation in Italy! I've received advance royalty.

Also, I've just been invited to lecture at Kansas State University in May. They tell me, incidentally, that the paper-backs have greatly increased interest in my work, and they indicate "widespread" "wide interest" at K. U..

Also, I'm to lecture in Springfield next July — $250 &

P. S.
Dear Lucile:

I've just read a Valentine message from Mildred Bennett who is in the General Hospital at Lincoln. She writes of her plan to go to St Paul, as soon as she is well enough, to finish work on the Minneapolis Journal files.

I hope she is as well as the message seems to indicate

see over