Many thanks for the letter from Van Lear and for your help in that quarter. It is getting about time for everyone who has seen the vision to get into the struggle somewhere.
It seems now that I shall need a meal ticket job less in the future than in the past. The Macmillan Company is rushing out a school edition of "The Song of Hugh Glass", and the prospect is exceedingly good, as five states are already in line. The plan is to introduce "The Song of Three Friends" next year, and the other parts of my epic cycle of the West as they appear.
I'm wondering about May first and how the Debs matter is likely to end.
I'd rather talk an hour with you just now than with any other man I know about.
Are you not enjoying the antics of the unconscious comedians at the Conference? How very droll they are! The old magical phrases seem to have lost some power lately.
Jno. Neihardt