I've read your latest letter several times, and I am delighted with what you say about your experience in reading The Messiah (and Black Elk). It seems that you had a real mystical experience. Of course you could not describe it in a way wholly satisfactory to yourself — but I know anyway. The signs are familiar Oh Lucile, such insights, such moments of illumination, are so very valuable in a world like this one. It is only as that breaks through the wall of sense that life has real meaning.
You are very effective when you deal with the deeper phases of reality in my stuff. I have not yet come to the Messiah section in the MS., but I'm eager for it.
You may know of our little group of psychic investigators. We
meet on Friday nights at Skyrim, and we have been extremely successful — especially in levitation — which, at times, has been spectacular. I enclose an account of what happened here last Friday night. This is the first thing of the sort that we've had.
I don't spend any time on this psychic business except on Friday
J. B. Rhine is muc much interested in our work. He has already written us four longish letters.
Yes, old Stewart is a rare being. I often think of him. Bless his heart!
And the doggie! Do tell her many nice things from me. I live intimately with our Lassie and Jacquot. They are not just nice dogs. They are understanding and easily understood friends.