Dear Slade:

H. B. has just called me on the phone, and I was surprised that I had not replied to your last letter. You must know that you mean a great deal to me I never think of you without a thrill of gratitude that you are my friend. (How I do mean this!)

Time passes so fast! I receive letters faster, at times, than I can handle with a pen. Then I get my daughter Enid over to take dictation.

H. B. reports a happy time with you and Nita.

I was so glad to hear of the fine comments you have received on your prayer-garden article. It is a good article and the subject matter is unique. The Bancroft Memorial is thriving. The little study is in fine shape no — completely restored. And I've just sent 24 framed MS.S to be hung on the walls. This will give tourists something to look at!! The grounds will be beautiful. There is a movement to buy more land adjacent to the study property for expansion of the memorial.

I think your essay may be printed for distribution. It should be.

I'm hurrying this off on the morning mail.

With affection for you and Nita —

John N