Drs. Lucile and Bower Aly 207 Albany Street London, N.W. 1, England
Dear Bower and Lucile:

I have some exciting news for you and I am hoping that you have some for me very soon about the publication date of Lucile's book. And what publisher is going to issue it? I haven't heard anything about this for so long that I am becoming anxious.

Here is something that may help more than we know.I have signed a contract with Simon and Shuster ​ for the mass production rights of BLACK ELK SPEAKS — in the pocketbook series. Also, Harcourt Brace Ibanovitch ​ will publish the youth section of my autobiography in May. At the same time I have signed a contract with Avon mass production publishers for the paperback rights of WHEN THE TREE FLOWERED. Simon and Shuster ​ are paying down $20,000 in advance and both Harcourt and Avon have made good advances. The Dick Cavett show surely made a great splurge. It received greater response than any program ever did before and it is still responding. Our correspondence is too heavy for us.

I am thinking that this really great wave of popularity will help the biography.

Do tell me if you still count on the University of Nebraska Press.

The University of Nebraska Press with practically no machinery for promotion has sold 50,000 copies of BLACK ELK in the past year. The first edition of the pocketbook paperbacks will be 200,000 copies at 10 percent royalty. Simon and Shuster ​ want to secure the hardback rights for BLACK ELK declaring that they can make it a best seller, which means plenty for Simon and Shuster ​. There is no reason why if it is mass published it shouldn't go any length.

I don't know whether I really like this exciting business very well.

I am getting along nicely with the adult section of my autobiography.

——— and I still love both of you.
