Dear Lucile:

That was the letter I've been looking for, and it made me happy!

This section of my reply is, as you will see, devoted to mere facts, which are too often anything but "mere". You asked some questions, and I want to answer them here. The heart of my letter will be done in my beautiful handwriting.

You asked who sponsored the Joplin FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS. The City and the Southern Missouri State College were joint sponsors. It was a big affair, and they had everything including a parade. The latter started late, and Gail and I had to head for home; so I dodged the parade. I think I told you I gave three programs —— The Death of Crazy Horse, The Vision of the Spirit World from the Song of the MESSIAH, and a program of Selected Lyrics. The turnout for these affairs was most remarkable —— standing-room-only for each affair —— and a really enthusiastic response. They really appreciated it, and paid me well.

When I was in the BLACK HILLS district, I did a program for Black Hills State College. The whole student body came out, and that atmosphere of affection that I have mentioned to you before certainly developed in that crowd.

You asked what has happened to the movie possibilities. It is too soon to know about this. By contract I conveyed a 5-yr. option on the movie rights of the CYCLE to John Pennington, Inc., London. It is natural to suppose that they are working on the matter. If I hear anything, I' ll let you know. I wish that I could make a real chunk of money out of this, although I certainly don't expect it. If I did make money at this stage of the game, one thing I'd do would be this —— I'd buy at least a semester for you, or maybe two semesters, so that you could devote all your time to the most important undertaking in your life thus far. I do believe that when you are an old woman, you will look back on this time and greatly begrudge these delays in realizing your project. I have noted with surprise for the past year or so that interest in my work springs up all over the country, here and there. Something is happening, and before you are through with this business, far more will happen; although I doubt that I shall be here to see. This does not seem to bother me, and I do feel sure in a way that is most convincing.

I was glad to hear about the price asked for a copy of THE DAWN BUILDER. Copies must be extremely scarce, as I, myself, had never seen one listed in a catalog. A year or so ago, a friend of mine bought one for fifteen or twenty dollars. It seemed a lot, but it's only a start. BLACK ELK SPEAKS continues to rise, and several others are quoted at good premiums.

Is there any possibility of your getting as much as a semester of free time? If any new arrangement of the sort could be made, you could count on my being present if you wanted me, to facilitate the correcting.

I wish you would sterilize Jingle's sweet nose, and give her a big kiss for me. Tell her I confess that I have other girl-dog friends over the country and a number of boy-dog friends; but that my love is so great that the supply is only increased by division. Here are the kindest thoughts for your father and for Bower, bless him, and for you, as you will note by my hand-written missive here enclosed.


John Gaki
P. s. —

On Sun. eve., Dec. 10th, I will give a program at Kearney State College on my Cycle of the West. This paragraph is quoted from the letter:
"We are holding an Interdisciplinary Conference on "Contemporary Trends in Literature and the Arts" sponsored by the USOE Humanities and Social Sciences Development Program. We would like for you to talk on "The Cycle of the West"."

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Doctor Lucile Aly, 1138 Twenty-Second Ave., East EUGENE, OREGON 97403 37403