Julius Beltz Verlag Weinheim Germany

I just received from William Morrow & Co., Inc., New York, your request to include Hohen Pferds Brautwerbung from Schwarzer Hirsch, Ich Rufe Mein Volk (Black Elk Speaks) in an anthology. Your inquiry was forwarded to me, as I now control the rights which you requested.

I shall be pleased to have this story included in your anthology and accept the terms set forth in your offer. I understand that you will pay DM 10 per page, payable on publication.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Very truly yours,

John G. Neihardt 5835 Vine Street Lincoln, Nebraska USA
M[?]HRBOOKS to William Morrow & Co., Inc., New York
______________________________________________________________________________________________ ATTENTION: Miss Judith Rodnick SUBJECT: John G. Neihardt — HOHEN PFERDS BRAUTWERBUNG from SCHWARZER HIRSCH, ICH RUFE MEIN VOLK (BLACK ELK SPEAKS)

We received the following offer from Julius Beltz Verlag, Weinheim, Germany for inclusion of the above in an anthology:

  • Total sum: DM 10. —— per page
  • Payable: on publication
  • Edition: 1'000 copies
  • Sales price: not known
  • Proportion of book occupied by above:not known
  • Original publisher: Otto Walter Verlag, Olten
  • Division:They pay, of course, separately for the use of Walter's translation.
  • Publication scheduled for
  • Other contributors : not known.

Remarks: We think that the offer is satisfactory and recommend acceptance. Thank you in aniticipation for a short word. un


WILLIAM MORROW & CO., INC. . PUBLISHERS 425 Park Avenue South. New York, N. Y. 10016 FORWARDED MAIL

The attached inquiry is forwarded to you since you control the rights requested. Kindly mention in your reply that this letter was forwarded to you by William Morrow & Co., Inc.

Subsidiary Rights Department