Lincoln, Neb. 9-27-68 (?) (Friday)
At last I have had the MS read aloud to me! It's beautiful, it's magnaliant, it's gorgeous! I mean it's damned good, and it happifies me!
I am not saying this because you like the book you are discussing. I knew that, and I knew the value of it. It's your
excellent analysis that I'm admiring — and your excellent writing. Myrtle read it to me, and we rejoiced together.
Errors are few — most of them typographical. We have paid no attention to these, since you will catch them when you do your final combing. Here are some errors you will correct;, for instance, Refresh your knowledge of the Akichita. And the [Wichita?] ya-ta-pi-ka.
These were not councillors. The Akichita were keepers of the law, enforcers of the law. The [Wichita?] ya-ta-pi-ka were a special unofficial body of a few good men, who, in the last analysis had the supreme power in the tribe. Read this portion again.
And the Icelandic lady was Gudrum.
I have emphasized the fact that the verse form in the Cycle is not couplet. I quote a perfect description of the form. The man I quote was (and probably is Chairman Chairman of English at the State College, Peru, Nebraska. It is bully. He heard me talking to a couple of graduate students one of which used the term "couplet." He was reading a newspaper, and when he heard the term used, he lowered his paper
and said: "Pardon me! It is not couplet, it is blank verse with supplemental rhyme, the verse unit being, not not the line, but the breathing space length between pauses."
I was astonished, and I said, "Who in the world are you? And where did you learn this?" He laughed and said "Oh I'm just an English teacher," and went back toto his paper. It might be well to get in touch touch with him, but
that is not necessary. I was on the laureate tour two years ago when this happened. I've said the same thing many times, but not so neatly. I wish you could quote Geo. Sterling too. I wonder that you haven't seen his article.
Your book is going to be a whale! Hurrah! My book will supplement yours. The two together will give the best portrait I know..
I am so terribly sorry about your Father! It's such a pity! And I know how overworked you are and have been.
You know, this old man loves you.
John the Gak.
I'm writing without glasses. The eye man says my left eye is better than the operated right eye; and that an operation on the left (any time, now) will give me two pretty good eyes the rest of my life.
I have been planning on blindness, and have felt that I must get my book completed within a year.
— John N.
I think you have the list of honors the Youngs prepared. Isn't it surprising? It was to me.
If your father can remember me, please tell him I think of him most kindly. and