Dear Lucile:

I wish it were possible for us to get together and go through your MS. Surely you cannot be far from a complete book, and I know how fine much of what you sent me was. The biography is greatly needed — has been for several years. People

I need to hear from you as soon as possible.
want information, and we send out some sheets that we have prepared. The demand for my books has increased greatly, and there's no special reason why that we can think of. Bruce Nicoll told my friend, Mrs. Boring, who serves as secretary, that my books are selling "like going out of fashion" (maybe you know this saying, which I which I understand is current.
It [means?] "awful" fast!
I've had more publicity this past year than ever before in the same length of time.

We need to get that book on the market.

And I'll be wanting to publish my recollections, which will supplement your biography. You will remember what Hugo said about Music — "the vapor of art". Well, my "Old Man" book might be described as "the vapor of biography" People laugh heartily at times when they read it — and they cry now and then too. Really, they do!

I do hope you are all right, Lucile. You have been through a most trying experience. [(&?] I know such language doesn't say it!) You will be going to Princeton in late May, or early June? But we could hardly arrange a meeting then.

I think of you with affection.

— John N.
I've just heard from Paul McCluskey, who is eager to hear from you.