Lincoln, Neb,
I had just mailed a letter to you when yours arrived.
I am so glad for your precious Daddy that he has at last been able to make the Crossing, because I know he is all right, and that you are too
This is intended merely to give you some information bearing on your book. You say "if the publisher still wants it." D you Did you mean the Nebraska University Press, or had you another in mind? I think you should try for another publisher. Perhaps you are thinking of one — ? In any case, I've a letter from aan
Wayne friend and one of my foremost and most intelligent fans . He is now an editor for Harcourt, Brace, and World.
Why not write him and ask if his firm would care to consider your book?
I am sending an Xmas card from Paul, which you may return to me. The name and address are: Paul McCluskey, 119 West 71st St. 4A New York, N. Y. 10023
P. S.You met Paul, I'm sure, when you were in Wayne — ? Say so, in your letter.
John N.