Hon. Amado M. Yuzon United Poets Laureate International 124 Mayon Quezon City, Philippines
Dear Mr. Yuzon:

Thank you for your invitation to attend the World Congress of Poets. In response, I am inclosing ​ a poem on the famous Lindbergh flight, written for the Post-Dispatch upon Lindbergh's return in 1927. This is not to be considered for competition, but I am sending it at the suggestion of friends who thing ​ it is appropriate for the occasion.

You are at liberty to use it if you wish, and if so, I will obtain permission from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

With all kind thoughts,

John G. Neihardt
John G. Neihardt, 5835 Vine Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68505 U. S. A THE LYRIC DEED
We sighed and said, The world's high purpose falters;
Here in the West the human hope is sold:
Behold, our cities are but monstrous altars
That reek in worship to the Beast of Gold!
Now no rapt silence hears the bard intoning;
Our lurid stacks paint out the ancient awe,
And lock-step millions to the motor's moaning
Are herded into Moloch's yawning maw.
With men we stoke our diabolic fires;
Of smithied hearts the soaring steel is made
To dwarf and darken all our godward spires
With drunken towers of Trade.
We said it, blinded with the sweat of duty,
And now, behold, emerging from the dark,
Winged with the old divinity of beauty,
Our living dream mounts morning like a lark!
Of common earth men woughtwrought it, and of wonder;
With lightning have men bitted it and shod;
The throat of it is clothed with singing thunder ——
And Lindbergh rides with God!
We have not known, but surely now we know it;
Not thus achieve venality and greed;
The dreaming doer is the master poet ——
And lo, the perfect lyric in a deed!
The sunset and the world's new morning hear it;
Ecstatic is the rhythmic motor's roar;
Not seas shall sunder now the human spirit,
For space shall be no more!