We have finished Chapter three (3) and we are delighted. It's an excellent job, surely! This is Monday and we will read a great deal more tomorrow. According to our schedule, we should finish just a day before you arrive, if your plan works out.
Lucile, this was worth waiting for. I do think you were
actually growing into the task, and you've come a long way.
We are keeping a suggestion and error sheet separate from the MS. It is not at all formidable — just an occasional slip, maybe, or in rare cases, perhaps a misleading slant given to a fact. The corrections are certainly slight.
I'm worried a bit about the publisher.
Do you have any publisher in mind — other than, possibly, Bruce Nicoll.?
I do hope the nature of your book does not change. Surely the period of the Cycle — and the rest — is of supreme importance in my history, and the significance of the achievement undoubtedly increases.
There was one time, several years ago, when when you seemed to fear the charge of "white-washing". So far this is not in evidence. Criticism is a search for value and it strikes me forcibly that your consideration of my lyrics is criticism. Further, you have not allowed the nothing-if-not-modern boys to bluff you.
Another fine reciting experience yesterday at a Sheldon Art Gallery tea. I was the nice old lion!!
— John N.
I had a fine experience in Columbia two weeks ago. I recited my poetry to 1500 Junior High youngsters (Jefferson Junior) and they actually gave me six (6) standing ovations! It was thrilling.
This sort of thing happens very often — always with a sizeable audience. I give my programs by memore altogether now.