Lincoln, Neb.
Oct. 12, '69
Hurrah! Gail writes happily about her reading of the MS! I enclose a copy of her remarks. Gail is is a very family [developed?] person, and her opinion is significant. You have strongly impressed Hilda too; and whatever passes them, passes me . They are the
I am perplexed about the Yale Review. Surely there would be no reason why I should [want?] the Yale Review comment. It's the one about my [?] stuff being more
important to our [?] " " than ever the Aeneid was to the Roman '!" Florence also searched the files. She found important reviews of my work — one on the Wars that is very fine and most favorable. It seems to me the best review of the Wars ever published.
Florence found a newspaper account of the 1917 commencement at Nebraska. I enclose the same. Willa Cather and I recieved Litt D. degrees at that commencement, along with Roosevelt, Gen. Pershing and some others. My degree from Creighton was given [in absentia?] in 1928. When
Willa Cather received her degree from Creighton (if any) I don't know. But, as you see, there's no doubt about our receiving the Nebraska degrees together in 1917 — (the University semi-centennial was in 1917.)
I am so glad about the Biography. Please do get it ready for 1970. I do want to see it in print, and also my autobiography. I'm afraid you can't know much about my much about it. It's really one of my very best books from any viewpoint. Everyone who has read it feels as I do.
I want your book to come out some time before mine. The two will work together beautifully, and altho' some things must appear in both,, naturally, there'll be no impression of repetition. I am not concerned with chronology
I am surely hitting the ball in my writing. I have lots of fun doing the job. the title There are tears and there is laughter in the tale. (More laughter than tears.)
John N.
5835 Vine Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68505