I understand that Miss Marita Williams has forwarded to you the material for my biographical sketch. It has occured to me that you might well emphasize the following facts, which I believe were not included in the orignal material:
I lived in Kansas City from the age of six to ten; then the family moved to Wayne, Nebraska. I lived in Nebraska until 1921, when we moved to Branson, Missouri. I had my home there for the next 27 years, although I spent much of the time in St. Louis and Chicago, Illinois. In 1948 I bought my farm, Skyrim, near Columbia, and it is still my home, althought I have been visiting in Nebraska for more than a year. I began teaching as poet in residence and lecturer in English at the University of Missoui, Columbia, in 1949 at the age of 68. I continued to teach there for the next 17 years, being appointed annually by the president of the University. I think you already know that I was literary editor of the Post-Dispatch from 1926 to 1938. I am sure you have consulted Who's Who in America" in writing the biographical sketch.
I understand that I am to write an introduction for the M.A.T.E. publication on Missouri writers. I will have this ready for you shortly.
John G. Neihardt