Lincoln, Nebraska 68505
September 9, 1969
It was very good to hear from you after these years, Cyril, when our ways seemed not to cross. In accordance with your wish, two of my books are being forwarded to you.
The next time I get to St. Louis, I will look you up.
You haven't had a progress report on me for some time, so I think you would like to know that I am happily at work on my authobiography and have passed the boyhood section. I should finish within a year. I also have great plans for collecting and editing my critical essays from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. I will admit that I have been somewhat slowed down by two cataract operations this past year, but my eyes are functioning reasonably again. You will also like to know that my biography is virtually completed and will be out in the fall of 1970. I think I can best catch you up on other happenings by just enclosing a current list of honors.
Thanks again for your letter. I hope all is well with you.
John G. Neihardt