Lincoln, Neb.
Hilda phoned yesterday when I was away, but I was delighted to learn that she has been reading your MS and is happily impressed. I'm glad especially to know that you and the Book are still alive!!?!?! Did I venture to break your silence with news of the Wisdom Award of Honor. It is another to add to your chapter on the Decade of Honors. We will send you the information.
I'm doing well (very) with my autobiography. It should be ready within a year. I have no no thought of releasing it until your book has had its place in the sun. Then mine will only supplement yours. There must be some few factual duplications, but the books are very different.
We are, I am convinced, really collaborating without the intention to do so
John Neihardt
— And I want to see the last paragraph — but first you need the recent Award, don't you?
J. N.