You have a great idea, and I am persuaded to believe it will work. Herewith I send you my agreement.
Frankly, I do not know what would be an intelligent figure for the moving picture rights, and as I have perfect faith in your integrity, I would prefer to leave that matter to your judgement. Would a royalty net be better for both us than a lump sum? This, too, I leave to you.
Just now I am so soused in a new book that I can't well undertake the task of making the outlines of the stories. I remember the skill with which you retold the "Glass" yarn, and I am sure you can present the plots quite as effectively as I could. If you care to assume this task, I am quite willing that you should have a more liberal commission.
If the narratives are accepted for screen production, I will want to contribute something to the making of the scenarios, as I am probably more familiar with the background than anyone back there, and could add certain details that would fill out the plots and increase the dramatic appeal from the "movie" standpoint. Please make this a point in presenting the material.
I want to thank you for the very generous article you gave to Dr. House's book. You have long been a tower of strength to American poets, and I, for one, am deeply grateful.
Jno. G. Neihardt