Dear Slade:

Another good letter from you!

I am happy to know that you are getting a lot of happy satisfaction out of your book and authorship! It is a good book indeed — and you should be grateful for it, as I know you are.

Things go well here. I give many, many public recitals — high schools, colleges, clubs, sororities, fraternities, grade schools, junior high schools, etc. I do love the schools especially. I had 2000 in one audience last week; 1500 twice in an hour and a half. (They split the number for lack of space in the big auditorium. What amazes me is the excitement and the standing ovations. Slade, I'm almost 90 (wow!) and my voice holds on in a big auditorium as long as I want it.

On next Saturday night I'll do a big program in Kansas City at the Rose Garden in Loose Park. John Madden will fly my secretary (Florence Boring) and me there and back in a jet. John was my student years ago. He is now a leading lawyer in K. C. and a flyer in the Korean War.

The autobiography goes on most satisfactorily. I'm having fun doing it.

I think of you and Nita there at 225 Willard, and I wish I could have a mild cocktail with you tonight!

In March I should complete the whole Youth section of my book. It will end with the burning of The Divine Enchantment, my first book.

Love to you, dear old friend. And kindest thoughts to Nita and her birds. My friend here, Myrtle Young, knows all the birds and squirrels by their first names!

Gaki (John Neihardt)