A bully, interesting letter from you. And what a fine trip you had down South! I had a good laugh over the restaurant keeper who had to feed niggers, but not White sons-of-sea cooks! Really funny with an implied streak of good sense in it!
I've been noting the doings of the monkeys at Cornell!
Does it not beat hell? And it's all over the country, even all over the world. My secretary Florence and I have been collecting my essays covering the years 1912-1936. They will someday make some good reading matter, and they will surprise most of my fans. So many are concerned with the very anarchic spirit spirit now raising hell everywhere.
I'm having a fine time with the adult section of "The Old Man Remembers". I think I never wrote better, maybe not so well in some respects.
The movies are after Black Elk Speaks, which is selling phenomenally in the U. S. and abroad! Isn't this remarkable? Is not this remarkable?
Has anyone been punished for for the Cornell doings? If we are not pretty damned careful, we'll get a dictator; and maybe we need one!
This is a world world wave, however, as I know. But the Government must prove that it still has power, or we're through.
I'm so sorry about H. B.! There's a dear good man!
John Neihardt