Dear Bower:

It was good to hear from you again!

Yes, I have the xerox copy of the Book, and just to look at it thrills me.! I know it is a really fine piece of work, and I know what it cost Lucile to write it. Also, I know what your constant backing has meant to her. Now we are up against the commercial aspect of things, and I do hope the size of the work may not trouble the publisher. There is no doubt in my mind that the book will sell at least well enough to justify publishing. And now that Black Elk Speaks is is selling as fast, the biography should be in fair demand — maybe far more than fair.

There is a lot of very fine writing in the book too. I pray that the Wise Ones at the Press may not advocate cuts! They probably will not.

I'm at work on the adult section of my "autobiography" (which it really is not!) I want the whole book completed, because because I know someone will thank me for it, even though I may be in Heaven, my Home!! (Wow!)

I'm in Columbia for a brief visit. Will fly back to Lincoln Sunday

I love you dear ones.

John Neihardt
RETURN TO 5835 Vine St.
Lincoln, Neb.
68505 ZIP CODE
COLUMBIA, MO 65201 MAY 29 PM 1970
_____ AirMail


Dr. Bower Aly 1138 — 22nd Ave. East, Eugene, Oregon. 97403