Dear Lucile:

I am sending herewith the notes for correction of the final chapter. You will note that most errors are minor and can be corrected easily. However, they are of some importance.

All who have read the chapter like it very much, as I do. It's bound to be a whale of a book, and we are all most eager to have the whole work

I am glad you plan to try Random and (or) Holt; and I wish this could be done very soon. I need to know what you have done, or can do, before I make a new and more comprehensive contract with Bruce Nicoll. Perhaps Bower will soon have an illuminating talk with some one connected with one of these publishers. I'd like it if your book could break the way to a publisher more dynamic than Bruce. Just now Black Elk Speaks is having a big and rapidly growing sale. Bruce told me several weeks ago that they were having a hard time keeping the book in stock. The Christian Herald has said that it is the classic of the various youth movements.

I wish you had a secretary like my Florence Boring — one who could do anything you might want done, and do it right. She has been, and is, a godsend to me in my work with MSS and letters.

I want you to know that your devotion to the task you undertook at least ten years ago, is deeply appreciated by all of us here — most especially by your old old friend, who sends herewith more of the old love.

John N.
P. S.

Please do manage to be present at Bancroft next Neihardt Day. You are needed on the program. By that time your Book should be in the hands of a publisher, and you would be featured

— Same old love
