That was a bully letter and very welcome — But I had hoped you would tell me that your MS was accepted and was scheduled for publication. I have hoped you were reserving the information to be divulged as a surprise.
Anyway, it's a whale of a book! I've read it various places throughout the MS, and always I've been greatly pleased with the quality of the writing.
I'm looking forward to our meeting!!
Did you know of my accident on July 2nd? I fell down eight or ten stairs and bunged up my back muscles! Pain! Pain! Wow! I'm much better. Can get up and down without excruciating pain, and will be ready for Aug 2nd at Bancroft
On the 15th of July the Youngs drove me to Brookings SD (270 miles) to to speak twice at the University on Aug 16. It was really impossible, but we d we did it. I spoke twice (morning and evening) from a wheelchair — and it moved them. No kidding! Really they were quite wowed!! I'm proud that I could overcome the pain and do a good job (after riding
so far in a car.)
I'm getting better and better now.
Today I began writing again after three weeks of pain.
John Neihardt
I do hope the Press was favorably impressed and is planning to publish
J. N.
The trip to Bancroft is arranged.