We are hoping for a letter from you today. It was so good to have you here, even for a short while; and I am so glad about your conference with Bruce and Virginia.
I ve thought again about some of my swearing in letters; and my Rabelaisian moments.
I'm convinced that the effect on the public depends entirely upon the manner of presentation. A raw repetition of the word or phrase is far less impressive and amusing than a suggestive summary or substitution would be. Such a means of expressing or suggesting such words or phrases requires far more literary skill —
and sophistication than the raw word or phrase would require.
I still feel that my privacy has been invaded by taking words or passages out of private letters to an intimate friend or relative.
One of the most effective things of the kind I have in mind came to me when I was second editor for Esquire. A lady
was telling what her husband (a sergant ) sergeant) had said to a private in his command. The lady had to substitute and suggest and the result was hilarious! If the lady had merely quoted, — you see the point.
I do wish you would be fair to me in this regard.
John Neihardt