5835 Vine Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68505 Mrs. Sally McCluskey 1808 West Street Cortland, Illinois 60112
Dear Sally McCluskey:

Your letter of February 3 did not reach me at once as I was moving around. First of all there was the Cavett interview (certainly a wow) and after that I gave a program to the Shawnee Mission School in Kansas City — a big affair and another wow. Since you are my friend you won't mind my telling you that for some reason or other I get standing ovations, always several of them. I think I would be disappointed if it didn't happen although each time before I go before an audience I think it won't happen.

I am much interested in what you say about my work and your response to it. I am looking forward to your Easter visit and I am sure you will hear from Mrs. Young.

Yes, I wrote most of the crawl in an unheated room when the temperature frequently fell to 30 below. Once that winter it was 40 below.

I wish you would hug that boy Pete for me and give the dog special pats for me. My Jacquot, who barks French, sends you a number of joyful arfs because he likes anybody who is my friend. When I leave him here with the Youngs he mourns the first four or five days.

With every kind thought, your friend

John G. Neihardt