Lincoln, Nebraska 68505
March 3, 1971
I see that I am further indebted to you for bringing the matter of the Dick Cavett interview to the attention of your Dr. Shepherd. It sounds like an exciting possibility and I am going to wait for it eagerly. I am afraid you will have difficulty getting anything out of Dick. He is ridiculously busy and I don't believe he sees a large percentage of his mail. Still, he is especially interested in this material and I hope he does give some time to what you have suggested. We here do not know yet when the show will come off. Perhaps inquiry should be made directly to ABC in New York.
I do wish your idea about Jed Smith could be worked out. I am a bit jealous for my book The Splendid Wayfaring. It really is an easy book to read and I would like to get someone to think so. Incidentally, it was the Jed Smith massacre that occured in Oregon on the Umpqua. Jed got away safe. He died on the Cimarron River in southwestern Kansas in 1831.
I am delighted to know that you and Lucile will begin your sabbatical leave soon and that she will devote all her time to her book. I am sorry, naturally, that any of it has to be sacrificed but I am sure that she can reduce it one-third and still have an excellent book. For the average reader it might even be better than the complete version. It is good to know that you will have the complete manuscript put where it will be safe and available to future scholars.
I am just now signing the movie option of Black Elk Speaks, and I have reason to think that those who will produce it are sincerely fond of the book.
This letter carries the old affection and thoughts for you and Lucile.
John G. Neihardt