5835 Vine Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68505 Miss Mareta B. Williams 1111 East Normal Springfield, Missouri 65804
Dear Miss Williams:

It was good to hear from you and I am glad to knw that you will send me a copy of Missouri Writers.

As to your question, there are two houses in Missouri that have special significance for me. I lived in Branson, Missouri from 1921 to 1948 and my house there is still standing. Much of my work was done there. Any old timers in Branson can tell you which house was mine.

My farm, known as Skyrim Farm, is situated five miles north of Columbia. lThat was my home from 1948 until the late '60's. Much of my work was done there.

I realize that this is not sufficient information for your purpose. I could get some one from the neighborhoods to describe and photograph the places if you want me to do so. My home in Branson is pretty well known, as also is my Skyrim Farm north of Columbia.

With all kind thoughts,

John G. Neihardt