Lincoln, Nebraska 68505
March 23, 1971
That was a real letter, indeed, and I thank you for it.
Yes, I had read "thus far" and I am ready to answer your question. The University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska, publishes all my stuff in paperback. They publish my CYCLE OF THE WEST, my major work, which consists of five heroic narrative poems assembled in one volume. This may sound dull to you, not knowing the work, but audiences don't think so when I read it to them, and neither will you. The Nebraska University Press also publishes my LYRIC AND DRAMATIC POEMS. These two volumes contain all my poetry except two lyrics. While you might well ask the University of Nebraska Press to send you l a list of my books published by them. You need to know BLACK ELK SPEAKS, which is having a phenomenal sale both here and abroad.
You ask if I have completed my memoirs. The youth section ending in 1900 is complete and ready to publish. I may publish it alone, and I may wait until the adult section is complete. I am working on this later and expect to be through with it this year.
John G. Neihardt