Dear Lucile:

Your good letter to Myrtle was read to me, and I am greatly encouraged about the cutting of the Biography. I now believe it can be done with little harm to the whole. And I have an idea here: — Is it not probable that the Press will be willing willing to bring out a larger book in view of the greatly increased publicity?

Just a few days ago Dick Cavett interviewed Arthur Godfrey, and in the course of some interchange of talk on John G. N. — Cavett said, right out on the air for 12 million viewers: "He is the most interesting person I have ever interviewed."

Cavett says he may may (will if possible) have me on a "live" show in the spring — probably with my old student, Geo. C. Scott (if he is in the country).

There is another another matter pending that may break wide open any day.

I did a program for Shawnee Mission high school in Kansas City on Feb 3rd. There were 1200 in the beautiful new auditorium and (honest to God, Lucile) they went through the roof!! Why? They did, anyway. Four standing ovations and a big crowd around me afterwards! It's most thrilling! And the waves of affection that came up across the footlights! It's a wonderful experience.

I'm so eager to see your Book completed. It too will be a Wow!

Ain't we [got?] fun, Lucile!! Lets all kiss each other for joy!

Love for each there —

LINCOLN. NE -PM 8 FEB [1971?]


Dr. Lucile Aly 1132 2[2?]nd Ave., East Eugene, Oregon. 97403